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27 March 2022 Results and reporting

EGM Results

Global Ports Investments PLC ("Global Ports" or the "Company" and, together with its subsidiaries and joint ventures, the "Group") (LSE ticker: GLPR) today announces the results of the Company’s Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) held under the chairmanship of Mr. Artemis Thomaides.

The EGM adopted the following resolutions:

1. That the authorized share capital of the Company consisting of USD 175.000.000,00 divided into 750.000.000 ordinary shares of a nominal value of USD 0,10 each and ordinary non-voting shares of a nominal value of USD 0,10 each will remain unchanged.

2. That the issued share capital of the Company consisting of USD 57.317.073,10 divided into 422.713.415 ordinary shares of a nominal value of USD 0,10 each and 150.457.316 ordinary non-voting shares of a nominal value of USD 0,10 each will remain unchanged.

3. That the share premium account of the Company which has been established pursuant to section 55 of the Companies Law, Chapter 113, be reduced from USD 928.378.533,70 (Nine hundred twenty-eight million three hundred seventy-eight thousand five hundred thirty three and 70/100 US Dollars) to USD 378.378.533,70 (Three hundred seventy eight million three hundred seventy eight thousand five hundred thirty three and 70/100 US Dollars) by crediting the amount of USD 550.000.000,00 (Five hundred fifty million US Dollars) to the retained earnings reserve of the Company, which may be used as may be decided by the directors of the Company, including for the writing off of losses of the Company.

4. To authorise any one of the directors and/or the Company secretary and/or an authorised representative of the Company to carry out all necessary measures and actions to implement the resolutions approved hereby. 

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